Alumina 99.5%

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Alumina (Al2O3) is one of the most widely specified, general-purpose technical ceramics. All aluminas are very hard and wear resistant, with high compressive strength even against extreme temperatures and corrosive environments. Aluminas are also excellent electrical insulatorsand are gas tight.

Alumina is produced by firing a tightly packed powder form of Al2O3 which includes some binder material. Commercially available grades range from 90% up to 99.95% with the higher purity generating somewhat higher hardness. It is possible to machine alumina using diamond grinding techniques. Polishing is also possible, with the degree attainable affected by alumina grain size and production technique, whether pressed or extruded.

90%-97% - Best suited for metalizing (metal deposition which allows brazing) because of large grain structure.

98%-99.95% - Common range for isostatically pressed grades, with extruded shapes also available at low cost.

As-fired tolerances are generally only possible within a few percent of dimension. Extremely tight tolerances are attainable, but only by precision machining the fired part using diamond grinding techniques. This adds considerable cost, but tolerances to millionths of an inch are possible, and are often cost effective due to the extraordinary stability and durability of the finished piece.

Additional options include blends of zirconia with alumina and silicon nitride with alumina. The result is a performance combination that is tougher than alumina alone, but with improved hardness, strength and thermal properties compared to these other materials, especially at elevated temperature.

See Also : Zirconia Toughened Alumina (ZrO2-Al2O3), or Sialon (Si3N4-Al2O3)

Chemical Formula


3.88 gm/cc

2000 Knoop

Tensile Strength
35 kpsi
Modulus of Elasticity

48 - 54 x 106 psi

Flexural Strength
57 kpsi
Compressive Strength
368 kpsi
Poisson's Ratio
0.23 - 0.26
Fracture Toughness
4.3 MPa m<sup> 1/2 </sup>
Dielectric Strength
210 - 220 ac V/mil
Dielectric Constant
9.7 (@ 1 MHz)
Volume Resistivity

> 1014 ohm-cm

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

5.1 - 7.2 x 10-6/°C

Thermal Conductivity
30.3 - 35.0 W/mK
Specific Heat
0.20 cal/g °C
Shock Resistance
200 °C Diff.
Maximum Working Temperature
1750 °C

All properties are at room temperature unless otherwise noted.

Engineering data are representative, and are not intended as absolute nor warrantable. Manufacturer’s Data shown is blended from multiple sources and therefore illustrates the marketplace.

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