Zirconia Replacement Example

Zirconia Replacement ExampleZirconia replacement part solves wire cutter problem for Crescent Design

Problem: A specialized wire cutting machine used a tool-steel funnel to position a steel wire for cutting. In a short period of time, the rubbing of the wire damaged the funnel which then caused damage to the wire. This required shutting down the machine, re-arranging the inlet funnel to a smooth spot and re-starting the machine. The resulting downtime, wire loss from abrasions, and replacement of the inlet funnels became costly and difficult to manage .

Solution: China Hard Materials Parts engineers, working with the OEM wire cutting machine manufacturer, Crescent Design, proposed changing the funnel to a hot isostatic pressed zirconia material significantly improving wear quality when compared to metals and even most other technical ceramics.

Result: China Hard Materials Parts precision fabricated the new zirconia funnels, and after two years of use there is NO noticeable wear in the inlet funnel, NO wasted material run, and virtually NO downtime. The end user is extremely pleased with the results and has ordered several more machines equipped with this new material machined by China Hard Materials Parts.